Nutripine Roasted & Salted Pistachio | 250GM

350 525 34% off

Price is inclusive of GST.



Among the possible health benefits of pistachios:\n\n \n\n
  • High levels of unsaturated fatty acids and potassium. Both have?antioxidant?and anti-inflammatory traits.
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  • They can lower your chances for?cardiovascular disease.
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  • Pistachios are bursting with the fiber, minerals, and unsaturated fat that can help keep your?blood sugar,?blood pressure, and cholesterol in check.
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  • Their fiber and?protein?can make you feel fuller for longer. This fiber can also have a positive effect on your gut by aiding "good" bacteria.
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  • They can help you manage your weight since they?e a nutritious and satisfying snack. This may help you eat less overall and lose weight. Buying pistachios in their shells slows down your eating.
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  • Some studies suggest that eating pistachios lowers the amount of fat and sugar (glycemic index) in your blood, as well as improves the flexibility and tone of your blood vessels.
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Weight 2.1 kg
Dimensions 122 × 145 × 321 cm

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